Bonobo - Cirrus

Great news, Bonobo is apparently working on a new album. Who played the first track off of it, of course? Gilles Peterson. I wonder, when artists start to send their premiere tracks to Hochschulradio Aachen...
I swear, I wouldn't talk over the track.

//Edit: Now also the non-rip version on soundcloud. Download the track for free here.

Bonobo : Cirrus by bonobo



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Diggin' Late Night (ambiente elektronische Musik fernab der gängigen Clubmusik) läuft alle 2 Wochen sonntags um 22 Uhr im Hochschulradio Aachen.

(Diggin' war eine Sendung im Hochschulradio Aachen, die die Welt des Funk, Soul, Jazz & Hip-Hop beleuchtete.)


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