The Qiwu Selftet - Ghost Track

This is definitely one of those artist, I want to hear way more stuff from. In 2011 the Frenchman released "Travelling Arrière", which is a wonderful instrumental album full of interesting Jazz samples. We actually played one song of it the other day in our radio show.

Ghost track by Qiwu "The Qiwu selftet"

Renegades of Jazz - Black Milk

Oh, just so nice...

Renegades Of Jazz "Black Milk" by Renegades Of Jazz

...from the album "Hip to the Jive".



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Diggin' Late Night (ambiente elektronische Musik fernab der gängigen Clubmusik) läuft alle 2 Wochen sonntags um 22 Uhr im Hochschulradio Aachen.

(Diggin' war eine Sendung im Hochschulradio Aachen, die die Welt des Funk, Soul, Jazz & Hip-Hop beleuchtete.)


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