Bonobo - Brace Brace

It seems to me, that Japan definitely gets overprivileged when it comes to music. First of all, their vinyl pressings are undoubtely of the best quality and second of all how often did I have to hear, that this or that bonus track was only on the Japanese release?
Well, fortunately one can help oneself with the usual streaming services, if one is not willing to spend a fortune on shipping costs and the more elevated prices for the Japanese releases. However, all of this just helps temporarily, so I am pretty glad, that Ninja Tune decided to put "Brace Brace" on Bonobo's forthcoming (13.02) "Black Sands Remixed" record, which will also be available here in Europe. Usually I am not a big fan of "... Remixed" records, but these previews might change my mind.

By the way, for anyone who is in Warsaw on February 10th, so is Bonobo - at Fabryka Trzciny.



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