Robag Wruhme - Resident Advisor Mix

Last Friday, Warsaw had the chance to see Robag Wruhme live in action and those, who didn't seize the opportunity, surely missed out!
I had already enjoyed Thora Vukk a lot, which was also the Hochschulradio Aachen's album of the month back in May, but after Friday night I wanted more. So a friend showed me the Resident Advisor Mix from 8 months ago and it was that good, I just had to blog about it, despite it not being news at all any more. However, first of all Robag Wruhme might not be familiar with readers of this blog, because electronic music/Techno is not really the focus here.
Secondly, this mix is surprisingly techno-free. In fact, you will hear some Hip-Hop excellently merged with other stuff. For instance, there is this Veronika Fischer song, which came out '77 in East Germany, and which just blows your mind! I have to admit, I had never thought that German can be so funky...

The playlist can be found here.

Robag Wruhme - RA256 by

The Bamboos - Wilhelm Scream (feat. Megan Washington)

Don't get me wrong, like probably about 99% (excuse my cross-reference to the previous post) of the population I also like to listen to James Blake. The only problem is that often times I have a weird feeling in my tummy afterwards, not only because of the heavy basslines, but also because of the quite depressing mood.
So, if you have ever wondered wether you can listen to Blake's lyrics without feeling so apathetic, here you go. Simply exchange the sampler with a real live band and the British male singer with an Australian female singer.

Evitan - P.T.I. (Occupy Wall Street)

The (unfortunately almost dead) movement of Occupy Wall Street gets some prominent supporters in the forms of Dres from Black Sheep and Jarobi from the Tribe, who are going to release an album as a group called Evitan some time next year.
Dig the statement...



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Diggin' Late Night (ambiente elektronische Musik fernab der gängigen Clubmusik) läuft alle 2 Wochen sonntags um 22 Uhr im Hochschulradio Aachen.

(Diggin' war eine Sendung im Hochschulradio Aachen, die die Welt des Funk, Soul, Jazz & Hip-Hop beleuchtete.)


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